May 14, 2023Liked by Sharine Borslien

Dear Shari—

Great stuff on analog versus digital, natural versus unnatural, as I remember this as an issue, which I didn’t understand, back in the Eighties when our music moved from LPs to CDs.

And I love your understanding of how, through feminism, a false mass movement, like all ism-s, they have struck at the family, just as they have done so by promoting false ideas of masculinity, while men and women are drawn out of their homes, and they abandon their children to state-run schools and state-run media.

People become so mixed up that they see it as a step-up when a woman trades partnership with her husband, and dominion over her home, in which she lives, with her children, for employment by a machine-driven company that uses her for money.

The use of castrati, by the catholics, as Christianity denies nature, and claims that a virgin had a baby, while the gang-rape of their man-god provides the only means of salvation, which the unmarried child-molesters that wear dresses and collars tell the sheep they cannot earn, but need, not here but elsewhere, while one just has to equal three, is telling….

How can a Roman Catholic be a man? or a woman? except by simply ignoring the drivel, so, at best, while the ideas bounce off, it comes down to occasionally eating a cracker….

Sadly, this goes even to Protestants, who embrace the rite of marriage, and accompanying sexual intercourse, for natural, healthy, and spiritual, as C.S. Lewis points out in his discussion of the difference between protestant and catholic chastity, while, in particular, I am reminded of Book Three of The Faerie Queene, by Edmund Spenser, which celebrates the lady knight, Britomart, who embodies chastity, in that she seeks her husband, with whom she looks forward to having sex, but then the whole thing ends with a disgusting and bizarre description of a hermaphrodite, which is supposed to have some deep significance, just as Carl Jung would later promote connections with the man inside the woman (animus), or the woman inside the man (anima), with alchemical asides, only to be rebuffed by his own follower, Robert Bly, in Iron John.


Incidentally, I touch on these matters in my third book, regarding my discussion of the Playmate of the Year, Donna Edmondson, the ultimate goody-goody ambassador, who used to say, in her lovely sexy innocence, speaking for us all, charmingly down-home things like, “God made me nude,” a statement that means something completely different to unhealthy them than it means to healthy us.


Personally, I think that the odd appearance of some lesser and greater sex symbols owes itself to not biological but rather spiritual trans-sexualism, as female models are possessed, through cybernetic hive mind, by male degenerates, phasing out during photo shoots, so what used to be dazed possessed eye-expressions has been replaced by crazed possessed eye-expressions.

Also, there is certainly a cultural androgyny that was pushed way back when, as boys wore long hair, in Victorian Times, as did the Cavaliers, in the Seventeenth Century, so long-haired warrior-poets morphed, in a single generation, into disease-ridden degenerates who creeped around the second Caroline Court as they wore nasty wigs, fake beauty marks, and high heels.

And there is certainly a hormonal androgyny that is pushed today, for agribusiness meat is loaded with hormones, and hormones are surreptitiously put into our water and food supplies.


I love how you root yourself in an understanding of the body, our natural grounding, and its simple physical construction, which the perverts seek to deny, mutilate, and destroy.

It’s probably more information than you want, but, lately, whenever I try to fantasize about a fitness model, and I like my women strong-bodied, I get relentless suggestions through voice-to-skull that the woman is really a man, so the scum destroy my entire experience, and I turn not only away from sex, deliberately and happily abandoned many years ago, but from masturbation—as they destroy their own weapons, turning what could be expensive impregnations and idle fantasies into my own relentless godless Calvinism, which is based purely on Right and Wrong, Natural and Unnatural, Elect and Damned, so I am driven, joyfully, to work constantly to improve myself, to help others, and to destroy the scum.

Thus the imbeciles weaponize me, and they destroy their own weapons, because the little robot slaves cannot help but deny the natural things that are reality—refusing to see the simple truths that they fear.

There is no question in my mind that they have laid in a suggestion, with you, by hypnotic and subliminal sound weapons, to focus on Raquel Welch, who had two children, and about whom they always tried to make a big deal with me, as they say around me know, by similar but audible cybernetic voice-to-skull, “This is not how he is supposed to take this….”

In that regard, you may be interested in a quick look at my own take, in the article below, on perversions, including transsexualism, through Myra Breckenridge, that they were trying to push with Raquel.


These were not limited to something like the caveman-marriage, through the natural and respectful ravishing of a strong and beautiful woman that they could get solely in my fantasy, but never in my life—and they never even got it with Raquel, who, to me, was simply a swimsuit model in the back of a comic book about whom I fantasized in 1980 and 1981.

It’s all stuff that the fools behind the scenes would know if they simply bothered to read my articles and they stopped insisting that I am somehow like them or they are somehow running me, just as you are nothing like them and they are certainly not running you—despite their occasional ability to place a glancing hypnotic suggestion in good people, like us, which never comes out the way they mean it, so they are pushed further and further, faster and faster, off balance.

These imbeciles actually think that they can confuse me as to my sexuality, because that’s how stupid they are….

Anyway, thanks for a great article, as ever, because I always enjoy reading your stuff.

Your pal,



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Thank you for the reference, Sharine, along with my definition and link to my Stack! I would never expect anyone to agree with all my points because that would make for a very boring conversation!

I've heard this before about the '60s music scene in relationship to the CIA but this is the first time it really sunk in. Second gen spooks, that's really interesting. I listened to RFK on chemtrails the other day and he mentioned Woody Harrelson pointing them out to him--he must know his dad is implicated in his uncle's death, right? He's seen Everything's a Rich Man's Trick.

And the difference between analog and digital makes so much sense to me but I would have never thought about it.

On Satanic rituals, I have no doubt they happen but I don't believe they have any power. It seems like encouraging the belief they have power would just make them happen more. I have a couple of episodes that talk about the origin of Satan and demons, who were the zealots rebelling against the Roman empire during the first century. They were people you'd like, who share your beliefs in sovereignty and self-governance. They weren't supernatural beings but are the 'intimate enemy,' as Bible historians refer to the Judean insurgents. Here's one of my episodes: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-devil-and-naomi-wolf.

Thanks so much for all this good research and connections.

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Most of them, I believe, do 'channel' their art - but they may not know it. I heard that one of the big comic writers actually encourages witchcraft to other young wanna be writers because it's the easiest/best way to get ahead.

I think some of the deaths are staged, but some are most definitely sacrifices. My daughter pointed out that lots of celeb kids have different names "so that people don't treat them differently as young actors" (to which we both laughed mightily). It is such an incestuous world (pun intended).

Oh yea, the handler situation is absolutely crazy. Elvis's dude was awful! All those Disney kids? Oy. They all follow the same trajectory. Well, maybe a few of the guys have fared better - like Ryan Gosling.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Sharine Borslien

A well researched and well written article. I agree with most of it but have to take issue with a few points. First, the circle and triangle are not “death cult symbols” but sacred symbols that have been co-opted, like all other symbols the cult uses. They can’t make symbols of their own anyway, but just invert what’s already there. An important distinction.

The other point is that according to Anthroposophy there was an early phase of the human form that was androgynous. But this was a more etheric form before we really solidified into this 3D density. “Male and female made he them” is the Bible talking about this transition or split into male and female when we reached this lowest density. Now, that doesn’t mean that we should promote transgender, obviously not, that would be a step backwards in evolution, if you follow this line of reasoning.

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by Sharine Borslien

Dear Shari—

I just read the first half of your post, where I broke, at an appropriate time, and I will get back to the second half, and to you, my dear friend, as you rightly remind, and call, real men, and real women, just to be their natural selves.

And, so we break bread, together, while I drink, as I trust you do, in beautiful Califronia….

As I begin to read, and I will later digest, your article, which I will call outstanding, my friend, in part, for your proper exposé of Laurel Canyon, and, bigger, for your call out of the Tavistock Instiute, while I promise to write more to you, later, on your fantastic observations on listening, music, voice, and sound….


In furtherance of your work, here’s my piece on the Doors, led by a pretty cool but misguided guy, like his navy dad, as the Tavistock Instiute, though Lookout Mountain, and their slaves in the Air Force, led intelligent people, like me, to teenage drugs.


And, s,o the Doors made disassication sound all Dionysian, like Nietzsche, who was likewise misled in the mountains.…


It’s telling how, as the Tavistock Institute offers false choices, which involve alleged ones and alleged zeros, I remember Frank Zappa, whom you rightly continue to call out, and expose as a false alternative, for someone who mocked the Lizard King….


And it’s telling how they lured young teenagers to San Franciso, during the Summer of Love, as they replayed this to me, and others, on the twentieth anniversary of the Summer of Love, when I graduated from high school; but, still, their plans backfired, since many people were broadened by a thing the luciferians started but they could not control.

I hope you read the second half of my third book, where I write about this stuff.


But, most, while I garden, in various plots, I love that you broadcast from the real Califronia!

And, so I say, Hokahey!

Your pal,



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I agree with your well-written synopsis. As I was driving today I was thinking about all the time I spent as a teenager looking at women that were really men and wondering why my body didn't look like theirs! I went down the 'who's really a man' rabbit hole a couple months ago and once you see the signs, you can't unsee them.

I feel sorry for these children and young people too. Real gender dysphoria is a small percentage of the population, but I keep hearing stories of children 9 - 11 years old that have to 'identify' their sexual preferences for peers, and some are bullied for saying their straight. One child tells peers they're pansexual. What. the. Bob?

The most mind-blowing thing for me realizing the almost complete luciferican inversion of everything. Whenever someone tells me a bit of news from some MSM source I immediately think, "what is the opposite of what they're telling me?" because I'm pretty sure that's where the truth is. Kinda like the medical cabal, just do the opposite of what they tell you and you have a much better chance of being healthy.

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I will have to read this twice. I shared it with another musician friend for some feedback. As we age, we realize that "what we don't know is mush more than what we do." This would be one of those instances. I read some of the earlier criticisms of Rock and Roll, where they spoke of the repetition of words and rhythms, were indeed a hypnotic form of mind control. To what end the writer had no suggestions, just saw it as bad. I love most music and it helps me thru some tough times and mindless, repetitive work and driving. So for me it is mostly a positive experience.

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