Judy Woods is good. Also, look up Rebekah Roth, her book Methodical illusion is about 911. She has a utube channel. She was a retired flight attendant when 911 happened. She speaks on how the flights never took off.

I lived in Cali for 9 years. I went through the LA riots and the Northridge earthquake.

I moved back home, to east coast in ‘95. I saw 911 happened, I lost 2 cousins from that day. I lost catering customers on Wall Street. It was horrifying. I was on the phone with my friend, she worked in bldg 3 at AIG. She panicked about bldg 2, she saw both come down. It was a really horrible day. (For the people, this day is when America collapsed onto Amerika.) That day changed my life forever. A truther I will always be!

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Thanks, Lisa. It's super-heavy that you witnessed the destruction and also suffered familial and financial losses.

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Thanks Sharon. I appreciate you! Yes, it’s sad. One cousin was a jeweler, he used to buy his gold down in Wall Street district. He died at 56 of mesothelioma. The other was a firefighter from Bayonne, NJ. He was 33. Very sad. 😔

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I note comments calling Judy "Woods." Just for all who might care, Her name is Judy Wood. No "s" at the end.

Anyway, I had doubts on 9/11, working on a marine base as a civilian, having passed through the gates about the time the first "plane" hit, and so things were running smoothly. By the time I got to the office, the second "plane" hit, and I was there with a couple of the marines, both with demolitions experience, as They pondered how They got the explosives in the buildings.

Must have been a LOT of explosives to do that much damage!

Well, on 9/12, when I heard that "jet fuel" did all that... I knew They were BSing Us. And early on I learned of Judy Wood, and Her claim that it was DEW, and looking at the evidence, I gave Her claim highest probability by a very wide margin.

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I feel lucky to have found Judy Woods before wasting too much time on the various psyops.

I also feel guilty about my ignorant bliss before the demonic fakedemic.

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Aww, kitten, I recommend you shed that guilt. The black magicians and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns have hypnotized us over generations. Also, it's extremely difficult to trust our intuition when everyone around us has blinders on and gaslights the hell out of us for their comfy-cozy benefit. The punishment for being a truth-seeker is real, and I have experienced it.💝

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Hi Kittens, don’t feel guilty. I knew about it in 2017, from an infectious disease doctor. I never said anything. I tried but to no avail, not one person believed me. I think after 911 our trust went way down. On the bright side, now you know. 🥰

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I was sent home from work too. My first words out of my mouth after watching the first tower fall BULLSHIT.

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Why were people sent home from work?

Was it to establish some sort of lockdown precedent.

Or because no one was going to be doing any work for being too engrossed in watching the planes hit the buildings replays.

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Yes, Cairn, we were all sent home because nearly everyone was glued to their tv for a couple of days. Also, I think it was so psychologically devastating to watch the towers and Bldg. 7 being effectively erased from existence. That's a lot of concrete, steel, glass, and PEOPLE.

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Thank you for the explanation.

Sounds like you agree that everyone should have been sent home.

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I used to listen to her when she was a guest on C2C AM. Sane, smart and like a dog with a bone. I am sooooo glad she never let it go and is still out there screaming from the rooftop!

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We are getting good at recognising DEW mystery fires now.

Have to hope that you don't live somewhere of strategic advantage to TPTB.

Can't do anything about it. When lots of people wake up what will happen. What if they admit it and just keep doing it.

It's a war for sure.

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My hubby the industrial electrician was working at Toronto Pearson Airport that day and they evacuated and closed it down. I was so afraid. Not everyone had cell phones back then and we didn't until 5 yrs ago actually. Anyways, I couldn't get a hold of him for hours and I was absolutely terrified. The info was sketchy as to why they evacuated and not hearing from him was awful. It affected us all the way up here in igloo-land too.

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Indeed, how terrifying. It was broadcast all over the world, too, so the terror affected the vast majority of us. It's sickening what these black magic fuckers do to control us.

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And to feed off the negative emotions they create: fear, anger, uncertainty, sadness etc..

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Thanks, Bert. Great piece from an academic perspective. It follows the standard of "rhetorical" "criticism" that has a pre-selected premise, which is how academia keeps its instructors in an ivory tower and their students on campus looking up to them as "experts" who know all.

My B.A. was in Communication Studies, and it took me a few years after graduation to do some real critical thinking and eventually see how they create a Thinking Box with specific parameters that must be respected, lest we receive punishment for even considering alternate ideas.

Personally, based on all my subsequent research, I think that the limelight players like Bush, bin Laden, et al are mind-controlled bloodliners who are bred and born to play a specific role (or many roles) in the long-term agenda script. How's that for a tangent far off from the curve?!?!

I hope you are out of the worst of winter weather! What's happening with your spring garden plans? I have no set plans so far, as we have been well occupied with music gigs and rehearsals. But I have SEEDS!

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Yes, I agree. It was three years in the Army, marriage, and a Daughter before college. The perspective changes with experience, and most of the kids in my classes were right out of High School. Agree with you on how quick you change when critical thinking is achieved.

As Shakespeare once said, "The world is a stage, and we are all players." It is so simple and complex at the same time, when you realize this truth.

We had the last gasp of Winter yesterday, and my mind is moving toward the garden. This year, maybe stay with what has worked well in the past. A big potato patch is the only new experiment, some sweet and some regular.

You two are always busy, and the same goes here with all of the family events. Better than just sitting around getting old.

I am proofreading with a vigor after that last post. The criticism received was justified. You and Ray were kind enough not to mention it.

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I am not a structural engineer or a weapons expert. I followed the money before, during, and after, which led me to conclude that it was an evil plan and that mass murder was committed on purpose. Who profited and how is the first place I go because that is my comfort zone. The series of events before, during, and after have led me to believe that this whole thing was a set-up.

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Keep it simple

Remember when the Space Program was explained to children and they all got it.


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