I lived in Los Angeles during the televised destruction of the World Trade Centers.
I was driving southbound on the 405 (non-Californians might call this “Interstate Highway 405”) on my way to work in Santa Monica. It was very early in the morning. I was listening to KLOS 99.5 FM when morning hosts Mark and Brian started to broadcast “information” about the destruction of thie first tower.
I could barely believe what I was hearing. It reminded me of what happened to people listening to the early 20th century radio broadcast of “The War of The Worlds.” Most people thought it was real and they freaked out!
I arrived at my office and immediately called the boss. He said, “Take the day off and go home.”
I did not go home. I drove a few miles away to my favorite restaurant & café, where the ONE small television in the upper corner of the large dining room blared Nine Eleven Destruction footage non-stop.
My friend Sander and I mused about the broadcast images. Nothing made sense.
The owner of the venue joined us. He was Danish. He also wondered about what images we were seeing.
Still, it was horrific. At least we were saying “Huh, that’s weird” to it all, despite knowing anything. We weren’t there, how could we really know?
Days became weeks became months and then years.
I relocated out of the Los Angeles area in the mid-2000s.
My fire for truth-seeking increased. I knew that the official story of nine-one-one was BS. I found Architects for 9/11 Truth and I thought that solved the problem. I even donated my hard-earned dollars to that organization for many years.
This world is so full of highly paid Freemason/Luciferian shills that we must wade throught their rivers of SH*T to get to TRUTH.
And I think I have arrived at the closest truth regarding Nine One One Destruction.
It is Dr. Judy Wood’s sane, logical explanation, based on her studies.
The twin towers were DUSTIFIED using energy “wepuns.”
Let Dr. JW et al explain what I cannot!
Please leave your well-thought comments.
Judy Woods is good. Also, look up Rebekah Roth, her book Methodical illusion is about 911. She has a utube channel. She was a retired flight attendant when 911 happened. She speaks on how the flights never took off.
I lived in Cali for 9 years. I went through the LA riots and the Northridge earthquake.
I moved back home, to east coast in ‘95. I saw 911 happened, I lost 2 cousins from that day. I lost catering customers on Wall Street. It was horrifying. I was on the phone with my friend, she worked in bldg 3 at AIG. She panicked about bldg 2, she saw both come down. It was a really horrible day. (For the people, this day is when America collapsed onto Amerika.) That day changed my life forever. A truther I will always be!
I note comments calling Judy "Woods." Just for all who might care, Her name is Judy Wood. No "s" at the end.
Anyway, I had doubts on 9/11, working on a marine base as a civilian, having passed through the gates about the time the first "plane" hit, and so things were running smoothly. By the time I got to the office, the second "plane" hit, and I was there with a couple of the marines, both with demolitions experience, as They pondered how They got the explosives in the buildings.
Must have been a LOT of explosives to do that much damage!
Well, on 9/12, when I heard that "jet fuel" did all that... I knew They were BSing Us. And early on I learned of Judy Wood, and Her claim that it was DEW, and looking at the evidence, I gave Her claim highest probability by a very wide margin.