Occult symbols are everywhere. I greatly reduced the mental bombardment when I took my TV off the wall—spring 2017. I took advertisement marketing in collitch and learned a lot on how they attack the mind. And I think getting you to buy their product or visit their garbage fast food joint is secondary. Loved your opening personal story to by the way.

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Thanks, Mike. Yeah, we turned off our TV in 2015 — except for watching occasional films, usually documentaries, and binge-watching three seasons Schitt's Creek, haha. Indeed, advertising was invented as a tool of mass deception, supposedly by Edward Bernays, but of course it was his installed demons who were operating through him.

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Hey! That creek runs right behind my house!

The only time advertising worked on me as an adult was for tangerine/orange drink. Because I liked tangerines.

I noticed Silent Sound technology being beamed into us during a Dick Cheney interview where a thought was inside my head that couldn't be:

"He looks like my kindly old grandfather."

Thing of it is: I never knew ANY of my grandfathers. (not a time-travel paradox, however).

From that time forward I was able to detect SSSS AFTER it had gotten into my brain. I can detect audio-visual entrainment as soon as it appears but that is because I was ill most of my life and body wisdom knows that that outside shit ain't good for you.

Had to shut off a number of modern movies and TV shows before the credits finished because the SSSS literally hurt my brain.

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Rice a-roni the crappy processed San Francisco treat. Our food source is going to have to be addressed ASAP after we kick their ass out of here. (Edit) We can't wait for Robert Kennedy Jr.

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I wouldnt hold my breath or hope on Kennedy , hes in the club, whole family is . He will be used to pretend to the hopefuls that they will do minor things against big pharma or whatever , when the plans and agendas are far beyond that already. Anyone who can pass a background check at police , can NOW BUY A V2K UNIT THE SIZE OF A SMALL SUITCASE.

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All of the Controlled Opposition say that same index card speech:

- I'm not against wax jobs.

- We need to insure that they're safe.

- The schedule is too much.


- I'm all for buy oh logical we upons.

- We need to spend more tox doll ears for more study to confirm that the we upons are the 'safest' way to depopulate.

- Using a mo sheen ghun when simple buckshat will do is too obvious.


HOPE was the last demon in Pandora's Box.

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YES ALL LIARS AND ZIONIST /GLOBALIST AGENDA PUSHERS just playing out pretense of good -cop, now

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When did they give digital TVs away for free?

that's when my radiation boxes were unplugged.

Did you know that the phosphor screens still put out ionizing radation when unplugged for years?

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what do you make of Donald’s obsession with YMCA?

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I did not know he had that obsession. All I can say is: My research shows that anyone who remains in the limelight is a sodomite.

I highly recommend diving into The Sodomite Gateway series, or any articles or videos that Bob has created.

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Maybe it's a trigger to initiate some process of mind control. In him.

If Trump has been programmed, YMCA may be used to flip a switch.

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that’s definitely a possibility.

the lyrics “you can do whatever you feel “ remind me of Aleister Crowley’s Thelma “do what thou wilt”

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Yes, kitten, they are Luciferians.

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That's right. The sentences have the same meaning.

If Trump is programmed, the song may trigger his "performance" for the crowd with the promise of the freedom to "do whatever you feel" after as a reward. Pavlov's dog.

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Accurate, Pirate. All the bloodliners and limelight characters have been programmed during ritual sodomy. That is when the demons are installed.

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You are correct kitten. It’s his favorite song to dance to. He played it at every rally. I see it as a mind control thing taking him back to his early days at the Freemason lodge gay orgy nights.

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Right, Mike. Also, they can get triggered all the way back to their original ritual sodomite programming around the age of 2-4, or to another era, depending on the current role they are playing. Different demons, different triggers.

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Just had an interesting conversation on the nature of words/sounds/frequencies.

The ancient Egyptian Black Magi said that the pronunciation of the words of the spell were more important than any other part of Ritual Magicks. That smacks immediately of cymatics. The triggers can be audio/visual both of which are vibratory. So I'm keying in on your different Hertz for different Demons observation.

It hearkens back to Solomon's Greater and Lesser Keys where you had to have the common name and the Secret Name (right frequency) to summon and command a demon. The Rings of Power helped a bit too. Tolkein was an Insider for sure.

Springmeier said that multiple alter personalities are embedded with different ways to 'summon' them (triggers).

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What is telling is that he may be self-triggering to insure that his own programming stays intact. Behavior modification requires reinforcement within 2 week periods. The fact that he is just an Impersonal Puppet as the Elders of Szion call Presidents , along with Queen Elizabeth being born by Cesarean section as a birth trauma to keep her in line speaks that they are not the owners/rulers of the world but have bosses above them.

I saw a Yahoodim couple walk into a chiropractor's new office (they knew each other she was a Yahoodess) the man commented that he didn't like the music. It needed something like Judy (Yahoody) Garland, "Over The Rainbow" playing. The Yahoodess IMMEDIATELY turned into a programmable tool. He had a shit-eating grin for his instant success with her, but was probably upset that his MK trigger didn't work on the obvious Not Them = me. They don't care WHO they manipulate even if it is FAMILY.

So just the mention of a song can trigger someone. The song need not even play. The song or the group could be unique to the No Longer Orange Man but I suspect it is used as a trigger for all of his rabid followers as well.

I hated the infantile song since the first day it aired.

Rebecca Carley and I arrived at the notion that Anger dispells Mind Control.

I've been angry and sick all of my life.

I got bettah.... the sick part. Never the anger...

The very first time I saw Invasion of the Body Snatchers in the 1960s I got a sense of what we are up against. We're surrounded.

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Great points, Patrick, and I agree as well that anger dis-spells mind control. Also, I'm glad you got better.

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That's very kind of you.

I undid a lifetime of chemical allergies with liver cleanses just in time for a next generation round of human drugs used on farm fields as weed killers and whatever is in that Fog. It is a war of attrition.

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Its Jesuit crap he went to those schools, nothing more needs to be said , we know what they have always been about.

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Good catch.

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Superb as always and a great accomplishment to do the study you did while juggling all the other aspects of your life , and to now reveal truth courageously.

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I watched Bob's video. Very interesting. Also, the colors in the ad are being used everywhere now. Blue and gold. In virtually all visuals. Blue and gold being the colors of the Masonic initiates into the Blue Lodge. As if they are surreptitiously initiating the entire world into the Blue Lodge.

I have read many historical accounts of occult practices and the anus is the entrance or gateway of preference used by Satan to enter the temple of God. The human body.

Suddenly gives new meaning to Jesus' parable about those who try to enter the sheepfold (heaven) by "backdoor" methods instead of by His gate. Like occultists who attempt to gain spiritual wisdom and transcendence through means other than God. Through secret (occult) or hidden ways. What is the most hidden entry or exit point on the human body? The anus.

I've also wondered about the new age "health" practice of enemas. Why the fixation on putting substances up the anus and bowels when both are designed for elimination not entry?

Thanks for a very interesting article. Good insight.

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Good points. I too have wondered about the enema craze. The most recent one is drinking one's urine to improve health. Seems to me a very slippery slope to the dark occult practice of coprophagia (eating poop).

I recently listened to Mike Winner's Substack, in which he talked about urine "therapy" as a positive "loop."

First, isn't looping kind of like being stuck in a cul-de-sac? Does not sound good to me.

I visited Amandha Vollmer's blog or whatever wherein she "busts the myths" about drinking pee. In one point, she wrote that it's healthy for healthy people. So I asked Mike in the comments:

"Since we are divinely created beings, and if urine is actually a health-promoting substance, why would our Creator make our bodies to eliminate the urine instead of just keeping it?"

He replied:

"I would say we have a holy spigot of our divine plasma for many reasons. It’s a topical solution for one and there are traditions of using urine on other family members..."

Interesting take. What, it's like mother's breast milk for her babies?" I'm still skeptical!

On a side note, the first time I saw video of Amandha, my immediate thought was, "she's one of THEM" (a dark occultist). I thought her eyes looked dark, and her smile was not based in true love and care.

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Urine therapy may have been useful in the past, I have known very good Naturopath s who have used a better method , where they have patient lie on a copper mess mat, have the urine in a copper cup and run a slight electric charge , to electrode on the body. Its a homeopathic way to do this . I would not recommend any drinking of urine now BECAUSE , URINE IS THE MAIN WAY TO ELIMINATE THE SELF REPLICATING NANO, graphene and glyphosates. WHY RE-DRINK THEM?

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I had a friend thirty years ago who drank her own urine. It's an ancient practice. I find it interesting that it's being promoted now as some "new" thing-y.

I questioned her heavily about the urine drinking and it made no sense to me. Supposedly we piss out all sorts of useful things and then need to drink our urine to reincorporate those useful things. That isn't logical.

While the Satanic ritual practices of drinking urine and eating feces does make sense in that it illustrates the individual's willingness to debase themselves for their master.

I think many of these "holistic" or new age healing practices are like the practice of Wiccan is to Witchcraft. One seems rather innocent and the other dark.

Enemas and urine drinking are like occult gateway drugs to much harder darkness.

Thanks again for your article. Also glad you trust your instincts when it comes to people and who they really are. I saw the same things about Ms. Vollmer.

In regards to Mike's answer, I can say the copper cup thing is weird since urine is used to corrode copper. That's what gives copper a pretty green patina. Uric acid. I wouldn't think urine is good for the skin except as an acid treatment to remove dead skin. I don't know about using it on other family members. What?

What I do know is if an individual has a fascination with the eliminated materials of the body that is someone I would say has a fetish.

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Very interesting! Thanks for using your background and expertise to awaken rather than brainwash the masses.

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Thanks, Noel. Asking good questions is the key to awakening. If one is asking good questions, one is likely to be already spiritually prepared for the answers! It is a process rather than on over-night AHA. My process started when I was a young child, and I was the bane of my mother's existence because I never grew out of the "why?" stage!

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Life is a Jeopardy game:

Frame your answer in the form of a question.

I'll take: GET ME OUTTA HERE ! for $1000, Alex.

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Thank you for sharing your life journey in your seeking of truths! The depth and breadth of this evil is,,,, well for most people beyond comprehension, as you witnessed. And I am sorry to say, that is just the tip of the iceberg. Even though I have known many evils,,, when I thought it couldn’t possibly be that bad,,, it is ,,,, and worse. I will be checking out The Open Scroll, and the Sodomite Gateway.

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Thank you, pearl. I know you are right. They are anti-life, and just realizing that they invert and pervert everything Divine is a revelation!

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Thanks for this.

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Thanks, Chris.

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