NOTE: For those of you who like to read my stories, the 900-word “how I got here” set-up to the video link begins at the following bold headline. All other readers, skip my “I was a returning adult college student” diatribe and scroll down below the double divider line where you will find content directly related to my post’s well-chosen title and subtitle!
In 2012, I returned to college to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies (COMS). I had no idea at that time exactly how important my studies would be.
For those of you still thinking that attaining a COMS degree is “easy” and that’s why so many college athletes choose it, I’m here to dis-spell that notion.
At the school I attended — California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo — the work was rigorous for students like me who wanted to excel and to gain as much experience and knowledge as possible.
To be sure, many students get a college degree to satisfy someone else, whether that is their parents, their peers, their sports academic monitors, or another college’s requirements for an advanced degree. I met countless students in that position. But that wasn’t my situation. I wanted to work hard, get good grades, and learn a lot so I could bring my knowledge and expertise back to “the real world,” to my everyday life. All that definitely happened.
The COMS discipline is critical-thinking-intensive in reading, researching, writing, and of course the most dreaded, public speaking. Some weeks, I read several books plus chapters in textbooks; did research for writing papers and speeches; actually wrote the articles and practiced speeches; met with professors; studied for and took exams; and participated in also-dreaded group projects involving more research, writing, and speaking, plus meetings outside of the classroom.
I commuted to school, driving about 30 minutes each way. I also continued to work; to plan, shop for, and cook all my family’s meals; to keep our home tidy; and to have regular music rehearsals and gigs, which doubled as my social life.
In spring 2016, I graduated magna cum laude, as a 52-year-old female who had endured classrooms filled with millennials rolling their eyes at me and snickering behind my back.
All that is to say that any degreed discipline can be as challenging or uninspiring as one makes it. Just think about that on a broader scale:
Medical students can become practicing doctors with mere “passing” grades. Yes, they are “practicing” medicine! The “law” says they can experiment on us. They make hundreds of thousands of dollars every year while our high “insurance” premiums pay even MORE money to them and their med-tech-kill-cartel butt buddies!
Does that inspire confidence in the medical system?
Anyway, the work required for me to get high grades in the COMS discipline was very demanding. But here’s the big bonus: I learned how to critique advertisements and commercials; films and tv shows; music videos and plays; books; and other mediatized artifacts. While all of my major classes involved the critiquing process, the two main classes I took that focused on this analysis were Rhetorical Criticism and Media Criticism. In those classes, I learned to ask a very important question:
“What is really going on here?”
Granted, this was state-sponsored academia. The instructors were not going to dive into organized deception or the dark occult or anything that deep. In fact, I look back at my scholarship and see that my research materials were abjectly propping up systems such as Hollywood. For example, the main book I read for a special project I did with my favorite professor was about “how high-level female music artists are hyper-sexualized and treated as ‘short-term person-brands.’”
There were no references to the realities of pedophilia or dark occultism in Hollywood. The author didn’t even mention the obvious nepotism.
So, are these female artists actually “short-term”? We are still able to watch and listen to Stevie Nicks, Pat Benatar, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, and other “older artists” on mainstream media! Think about it: Fleetwood Mac — the band in which Stevie Nicks was a long-time member — debuted their eponymous album in 1975. That means, as of now, Stevie has been “short-term” for 50 years.
In addition, most of the curriculum across all of the college departments, not just COMS, assumed a liberal/democratic social construct. I couldn’t see at the time that it was doing the propaganda prep-work leading to DEI, to AI, to “climate change,” to the maligning and demasculinization of white males while simultaneously artificially elevating all females and non-white cultures, and to the glorification of LGBTQIA+ and trans-genderism.
Yet, in my hard-core COMS studies, we explored hidden agendas. For example, in Media Criticism, we read books by Marshall McLuhan, who said that television was intentionally designed as a device for mind control!
Talk about wake-up calls.
As such, many of the young students argued with the professor’s criticism of say, their favorite Disney film that they had probably watched a few dozen times on their black-screen-box babysitter. The students cried or became enraged. Many of them ran — literally RAN — out of the room. (And they wonder why their generation was lambasted with the term “snowflakes”!)
Of course, now I know that those Disney and other shows are essentially psychological programming designed to numb us with “entertainment,” during which a variety of ethically and spiritually degrading ideas are slow-fed over years of viewing combined with generational acceptance. This has ramped up ancestral trauma.
THE POINT IS that my dedicated work through the COMS discipline helped to pave the way for my next-level discernment abilities. As I learn more — sometimes grudgingly, as I must discard former beliefs and paradigms — the perspectives change and offer additional views in my search for capital-T Truth.
With that protracted introduction, I want to talk about Bob Schlenker of The Open Scroll.
I have mentioned him and his work in at least one of my other Substack posts. Bob is brilliant at decoding the symbols, signs, and sigils of dark occultists who just happen to control the media and everything else — except people who continue to sharpen their critical thinking skills.
I have spent about a year so far watching Bob’s videos and reading his articles. I also dedicated a couple of months to binge-watch his Bitchute videos, and I made a vow to read every single article in a few of his lengthy reading lists.
In particular, as relates to this post, here is a link to one such reading list on Bob’s The Open Scroll website, titled “The Sodomite Gateway.”
I’m learning all that Bob has uncovered regarding the manipulation of language and other symbols, shapes, sound, color, lighting, positioning, and special effects which are mediatized by the so-called “elites” whom many people still believe are superior to us.
These high-profile limelight characters are fraudsters.
Contrary to even some “truther’s” beliefs, the dark occultists are not simply playing around with us. Their overlord agenda requires that they summon demons who make them adept at consciousness manipulation — otherwise they could not control us.
With all of this basic comprehension, I reached out to Bob because of a highly suspect advertisement that came to me in an email message from my bank, The Golden1 Credit Union. The message featured this image:
Immediately, I recognized some of the coding in this seemingly benign image. I shared my initial observations in an email message to Bob. He replied with a huge list of other decodes! (I have a lot more to learn, and I am up for that.)
Bob said he was inspired after our conversation to do a video decode of the Golden1 image and its logo, and I’m so glad that he did. He combined it with a decode about Walmart’s evolving logo. The video is must-see if you are interested in discerning the heavy-duty Truth.
So, without further fuss, below this paragraph is the link to the video that Bob made and uploaded on his Bitchute channel. The video bears watching for Truth seekers. If you have been traumatized by Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) or ritual sodomy, or you have suffered other horrific abuses, you may want to take appropriate precautions before, during, and after watching.
Walmart Brand Refresh and Golden1 Ad - Sodomite Brand Buddies
We are learning that politicians and world leaders, celebrities and athletes, and corporate moguls are artificially elevated through their secret networks and “illumination protocols” to monopolize and mediatize their anti-life agenda in every sector of life:
Economy and finance; education; agriculture and food; medicine and “health”; government, its agencies, and its non-governmental agencies; sports and entertainment; law; weather/climate; property; family; human rights; and on and on.
Yet, even as we clearly see their egregious overreach (hello, 2025 Los Angeles fires), it can be extremely difficult to accept the level of morally and ethically repulsive activities in which they engage as part of their religion, which is all about them using fear-based deception to siphon off our divine creative energy and strip-mine Mother Earth. They’ve been hiding who they really are and what their plans are in plain sight for eons. But in recent years, they have gotten cocksure and careless; and now we are seeing them for who — and what — they truly are:
Demonically possessed psychopathic predators who do not have a rightful place in Our Paradise
I am grateful to Bob for his vast repertoire of information on decoding the gang signs of these spiritual criminals.
And, as always, dear readers, I welcome your well-thought comments.
Love to all,
🦋 Sharine.
what do you make of Donald’s obsession with YMCA?
Occult symbols are everywhere. I greatly reduced the mental bombardment when I took my TV off the wall—spring 2017. I took advertisement marketing in collitch and learned a lot on how they attack the mind. And I think getting you to buy their product or visit their garbage fast food joint is secondary. Loved your opening personal story to by the way.