Oct 8Liked by Sharine Borslien

Good for you, that requires discipline that I do not have. Giving up alcohol has helped me greatly, lost 35 pounds and got off the diabetes medicine. Couple that with eating right and life gets much better.

There are many ways to better ourselves if we are honest and willing to make some sacrifices.

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Indeed. And just getting off the diabetes medication is huge. Allopathic medicine is essentially chemical poisoning plus invasive procedures. It's these death-cultists tinkering with us. "Let food be thy medicine, let medicine be thy food." (Socrates)

I'm going to write a fasting update later today!

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I’ve been thinking of doing the same. I use to do these all the time. I once went months just eating one meal a day.

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It's like a big reset to go for 72 hours! In past fasts, I have experienced low energy and headaches on the first day, but this time is different. I think that cellular memory has kicked in because I just do not feel hungry. I encourage you to do what feels right for you. Any time we shake up our routines, it keeps the fuckers off track, and I'm all for that!

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Great photo too by the way. Yesterday afternoon around 1:30 my house started shaking. I ran outside and there were two military helicopters flying very low just west of my house.

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Oct 8Liked by Sharine Borslien

That's spooky. Just before I read this (and I hope this gets through) there was a helicopter hovering over our house. Just the one. I couldn't make out if it was a police helicopter or the one they use to report back traffic congestion. We have a military base fairly close though and we get chinook helicopters on occasion flying over.

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Even spookier since Mike was responding to a comment I made on his Substack, that just as I was posting my long comment about his alien encounters and gov involvement, a low-flying big chopper flew over my house.👻

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Oct 8Liked by Sharine Borslien

Wowsers 😮

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I'm sure it was a coincidence😬😵

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Best of experience with that! Been thinking about a 3 day dry-fast - fat and oxygen turn to water, to I think I can make 3 days of it... I do frequent 1 day dry fasts and don't get thirsty in the least...

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I have never heard of dry fasting. I have always included water, but only when I truly feel thirst. I say, trust your intuition! We each have different needs! I went 21 days without food and only had lemon water. I never forced it, it just happened that I had no hunger. Then, on the morning of the 22nd day, a fruit smoothie sounded good.

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I have always had to force it… LOL! But I am debating a 3 day dry fast - I am truly addicted to caffeine… LOL! If I don’t have My morning joe, by the evening I am having a headache, and by morning it is blinding. We’ll see.

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I went off coffee/caffeine many years ago. It was two weeks of feeling like someone was pounding the back of my head with a rubber hammer😭! I experienced blinding lights in my eyes, especially in the morning. After the detox, I felt amazing! A few years later, I made the mistake of starting back on regular coffee, then my stomach went crazy, it felt like a ball of acid. I had to go through the horrible detox again, and it was actually worse, lasting three full weeks😩. I will not return to consuming caffeine!

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Yeah, I tried to get off about 30 years ago. By the end of a week, I was walki8ng into walls thinking I was going through the door. I had one cup and all the problems vanished. So for a while I maintained one cup a day, but for the last couple decades, it’s been two.

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Wishing you best of luck if you decide to detox from it!

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Well, at 67, and living only for My work and My morning cuppa, I doubt I will be going that route… LOL! But thanks!

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Oct 8Liked by Sharine Borslien

How long does it take before the hunger becomes unbearable? How do you move through that? I have been thinking about a water-only fast too. I eat when I want to as opposed to when I need to.

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Thanks, Jay. I think it will be different for each person. I started my fast from a fairly healthy state of being, and I have done such fasts before. So my body can adjust quickly. Other people may have a more difficult process because of an unhealthy baseline. I will address your comments in my fasting update! But suffice to say, I had three waves of hunger yesterday, and they were all very mild and brief.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Sharine Borslien

I did 15 days no food—just water! It felt great! Try going without the wine!

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Thanks, Max. I did 21 days water-only fasting and, like you, I felt fabulous! Do you mean go without wine during my fast, or in my non-fasting life? I am not drinking alcohol during my fast!

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