This was interesting. Regarding tone of voice, I've noticed that many younger men, particularly those educated into the professional-managerial class, have adopted what I've come to think of as 'manager voice', which is this very soft-spoken, uptalky way of speaking that makes them all sound (to be blunt) kinda gay. I suspect this is intimately related to the passive-aggressive nature of competition in the feminized corporate world, although I've usually considered that to be effect rather than cause.

Related to this is another phenomenon I've taken to calling 'science communicator voice'. If you're not sure what I mean, check out pretty much any YouTube science video from an organization like NPR. It's this very infantilizing tone and cadence, as though their audience are composed of kidergarten students, where they sort of whisper in this exaggerated 'wow! Isn't this really NEAT!?' kind of way. Personally I find it incredibly off-putting.

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Interesting read with much to digest. I will read again before commenting, as I know you worked hard on this and deserve a well thought out comment.

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I have to say that you have put much thought into this. My ideas are that in raising a child of either sex we need the positive emotional assets of both men and women to properly raise a child. Men offer assets that most women do not have and vice versa. I find the same things true in life and relationships.

My Grandmother was a kind Christian woman who never said a bad word about anyone, even those who deserved it. Old fashioned in regard to the traditional roles of women in those days. She was not weak and projected her power by her love and selflessness.

Grandfather was a Construction worker all his life, very coarse, often times vulgar and a mans man. When he came home he was a gentleman, as to not disrespect Grandma.

That was my world in the formative years of my life in a very brief summation. So I am much a product of the best in both of them. My less admirable traits came from years spent with my parents.

Music has been a big part of my life. I love it all minus the real heavy metal and vulgar rap.

This may help you understand what I was thinking when reading your article. My mind wandered all over the place, that is what good writing does.

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Very interesting. I am going to have to give this another read through to really get it, I think, but the points on tone and careful use thereof are very well made.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Sharine Borslien

Dear Shari—

As I wrote to you, by email, I love this piece, which contains so many things that need to be said—and said by a woman.

I think you are doing great playing this one solo, but just because I like it so much, and I said I would, and I need to comment on your site, just as you write me on mine, keeping things reciprocal, and balanced, let me try to chime in.

I love your grounding in nature, race, family, and sex, as I hear the voice of a woman who is comfortable with men.

I do not know if there are women who will benefit from your insight, but I believe there are gentle, well-meaning, and confused men who would do well to hear it.

If you ask me, the fight with the conspirators all comes down to natural vs. unnatural. Everything they promote is unnatural: incest, child molesting, trans-sexualism, trans-humanism, genetic engineering, weather modification, and so on. It’s completely unsustainable, although the liars use “sustainability” as a buzzword, so I have no doubt that, just as nothing lasts, it will not be long before Mother Nature sets things right through cataclysm as we enter the Sixth Great Extinction Period, while each of the previous five has killed between seventy-five percent (75%) and ninety-five percent (95%) of all species. It’s just like winter coming, on a geological scale, as our shit-throwing monkey species has lasted less than two percent (2.0%) of the time of the dinosaurs (Homo erectus) or less than one-fifth of one percent (0.2%) of the time of the dinosaurs (Homo sapiens)—depending how you look at the eyeblink of time we have occupied. I have absolute certainty, so I don’t need faith, that the Earth knows what it is doing and there will simply be an inch layer of plastic in the geological record one hundred million years from now, to show where humans have been, while the Earth, now more than four and a half billion (4,500,000,000) years old moves into the Age of Rodents, with saber-tooth rabbits, or the Age of Insects, with giant dragonflies, or whatever, the Rockies erode to look more like the Blue Ridge, and the Pleiades burn brightly out, while the Milky Way reappears across the sky.

As for right and wrong, my creed is stoic, so I act without regard to reward or punishment, and I can’t imagine doing anything else. Win or lose, it’s fight, fight, fight, taking out the trash, while I grow an organic heirloom garden, play with the dog, and see the wonders of nature everywhere I travel. I know I am doing the right thing, I never blame myself for the occasional misstep, and I know the system is taking care of itself while it guides the scum into their own company so they destroy each other.

In the words of Martha Stewart, “It’s a good thing.”

My experience in the Gurdjieff Work, like my work as a communications teacher, leads me to feel the value of awareness, consciousness, of our bodies, which are instruments, as you say, as we listen to our voices, as you say, and act roles, feeling not only our own natural centers and impulses, which we trust absolutely, but also the unnatural scum that attack us in hive mind, and in the world, so they are a constant bur under my saddle blanket.

I am happy to have things hard and strong, and I live in reality, not the false little-boy commercialist dream, of an easy life, which is nothing but a satanic lie, so I never look for what that old Russian spymaster, George Ivanovitch, called the Evil God of False Comfort.

In Meetings with Remarkable Men, Gurdjieff writes of a lady, Vitvitskaya, and her experiments with sound, which I can’t help but recall here, and I’m also reminded of the use of voice with dogs, as you correctly refer to the use of voice with children—not to mention voice and sound weapons show up in Frank Herbert’s Dune, and the enemy is constantly using subliminals, subsonic, supersonic, high-frequency, low-frequency, and so on, as we can also use tones, speed, rhythm, and so on to hypnotize each other for the good.


I don’t know much about the Schumann Resonance, but my understanding is that the enemy is deliberately tuning A to the wrong frequency to put us out of tune with the Earth, and this goes partly to the Rockefellers, the Nazis, and the radio, so perhaps I can learn something more from you, in this regard, if you don’t mind my being greedy, as you move into the second part of this article, if you don’t mind me tasking you….

Anyway, as my father would say, “If I had more time, I would have written less,” but I hope I have written something.

Let us always harmonize with each other.

Gotta go,



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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023Liked by Sharine Borslien

Well met! I celebrated finding you in https://heroesvsvillains.substack.com/p/meet-sharine-a-heroine . I hope more people find you. Though I'm not sure I'm glad to have learned about more about Lilith, ha ha.

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Wow! Great read! Powerful stuff!

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It is very possible that we will be on the I-70 West on our way home from Michigan, since we like to go through Colorado into the Glenwood Springs area before jumping on the I-15. I'll let you know as my trip planning comes together, but I think we'd be looking at mid-August. If it works out, Ron and I could do a little evening music concert for your family and friends. No rap or heavy metal!😉

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Delighted to have found you! I love the quality of your maps, e.g. "We become the unthinking, callous beings that the psychopathic tyrants believe we are". And your lexicon, e.g. "wayward wizards".

I resonate with your awareness of the importance of tone. I love that I married a woman with a delightful voice. Sad that beautiful feminine voices are uncommon in our times, but not surprised, given that our people have endured poisoning for generations now.

I appreciate that you have a long time perspective. Not many are aware that "wayward wizards" have been victimizing us for millennia.

"...evildoers have taken the long approach to dumbing us down, decade by decade"

"Their studies and concomitant technology are intended to damage us in every way possible while they openly mock us as "stupid cattle." Agree completely. Agree about how their Tavistock engineers weaponized media and education against "the cattle", as they call us. I have not yet seen the evidence for the weaponization of EMFs in the 19teens, but would not be surprised. They have certainly weaponized EMFs by now, in any case.

I aspire to writing an article calling you to the attention of my readers. Well met, Sharine!

(Found you via John Carter & friends.)

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deletedMar 25, 2023Liked by Sharine Borslien
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