Some time after my initial viewing of the MTsar talk and my subsequent blog post writing, I happened to glance down at the notes I had written. The notes reminded me of some crucial aspects of dualism, which of course is not a perfect state of being, but it happens to be a concept which we can bring to bear in our personal development and our creative works.
As a reminder, MTsar is talking about dualism as a psycho-spiritual concept that, firstly, allows us to do the critical inner work necessary for healing, individuation, and maturation while living IN the world but not OF the world as the Divine creative beings that we are. Secondly, by using dualism as a tool for inner and outer navigation of our lives, we can avoid being programmed by any entity with nefarious intentions. We must resist being mesmerized by those seemingly helpful gurus, government agents, and other groups who promote non-dualism, seeking to greatly reduce or completely annihilate our innate wisdom, individuality, and creativity. Living thoughtfully and carefully by using dualism in this combined manner is to walk a narrow but winding path, and MTsar’s talk is so good because he discusses the grounding details.
After the following beautiful photograph, I share my expanded thoughts on MTsar’s talk in sections, with his words in quotes.
"All progress is dualism"
If we look objectively at "progress" as it occurs despite the current constraints and exigencies of the Earth and our existence with Her, we can see that what is paramount is innovation combined with the faculty of sound reasoning in order to judge whether a thing or a situation is working the way we intended it to.
For example, let’s say a relatively unknown artist wants to write a song. She has some great lyrics which imply an obvious rhythmic structure, but no melody or chords. The artist decides to write the melody next, and soon, a distinct melodic progression comes forth. Finally, the artist picks up her guitar and sings the melody while strumming certain chords and rhythmic patterns until the song is complete. Every time the artist makes a creative decision, she is using dualism, because making choices literally means to decide, to cut off all options but one (at least temporarily in the case of writing a song).
Do I select a major or a minor chord in this particular section?
Do I write a bridge in this song, or does that seem unnecessary?
Do I write a coda for added drama, or stick with a more standard ending?
Regardless of the choices made, progress toward the intended goal or objective occurs because dualistic thinking allows the us to look at and judge something, someone, or a situation as working-as-intended, as suitable, as complete — or not.
Judgment stems from dualism; therefore, dualism is a useful stance for making progress, whether in art or any endeavor.
"Envy is encrypted in non-dualism"
Let’s say that the artist’s song lands in the ears of a music supervisor who gets the song placed in an independent film that, despite being unassociated with Hollywood or celebrity, receives international acclaim several years later. It’s a big surprise to the artist and everyone in her inner circle. A friend of the songwriter — now living far away and well “out of the loop” — sees the indie film and the song credit. She feels envious of her friend’s success, hating her, while simultaneously wishing that she herself had the friend’s success. “I want to be you, but I cannot, and so I hate you.”
In her covetousness, the envious friend seeks to erase the individual achievement of the songwriter: This is the essence of non-dualism. Envy hides in the shadows of the psyche and plays out by mocking and impeding vital innovations and successes which move naturally and not by artificial inflation. Envy is the basis of celebrity worship, political and personal divisiveness, and religious fervor. It provides a socially conditioned distraction from doing one’s inner work in the refinery of consciousness.
"[Non-dualism adherents] are feigning psychological criticism"
Envy is also part of the Lilith complex. Her aberrant feminine energy seeks to seduce us into nihilistically disconnecting from — or repressively remaining unable to connect to — our Divinity, trapping us in the death-and-rebirth cycle. The New (c)Age philosophy is Lilith’s machination, with its love-and-light mantras, all about pretending to do deep psycho-spiritual work. The tenets play out non-dualism, inviting followers to be blindly attached to a matrix-style materialistic life following gurus, ascended masters, and the latest high-tech healing machines, while calling it spiritual evolution. This "feigning" of psychological criticism points directly to Lilith, her relationship to Lucifer, and their false-white-light, feel-good finagling. In the cul-de-sac they have fabricated, there is no heavy lifting going on: Adherents are addicted to spiritual bypassing, refusing to accept individual responsibility for their choices. In fact, choice as a concept and an act is dualistic, and so allowing others to make one’s choices practically defines non-dualism.
Indeed, owning up to the poor decisions we’ve made is no picnic. And worse, we shouldn’t even have to do so because the master manipulators have tricked us into their perverted, inverted world and poisoned us with their sickness. The easy way out is to attempt delegating our own creative way-making to self-proclaimed "experts." But taking responsibility is the right thing to do, because it’s how we 1) remove the black magic curse of being hoodwinked into passivity and 2) restore our individual sanity and creativity.
I have found in my life that doing contemplative personal psychological assessments and corrections is like seeing and removing blockages in a waterway. These blockages may not be truly ours, since they arise from consciousness residues of aberrant entities. But often our choices bring on the blockages, and the only way to remove them is to acknowledge them, to make amends with people we have harmed, and to make life-affirming choices. This arduous process is why most people refuse to do any psycho-spiritual work, and instead choose to float in the cozy cul-de-sac of non-dualism. Why? Because non-dualism allows them the poisonous, syrupy privilege of justifying their sick relationship with self, others, and the Creator.
And that leads to my last note from MTsar:
"I/Thou cannot be breached without inheriting destruction"
The absoluteness of dualism presents itself in Nature as individual oak trees, crows, lions, swordfish, and praying mantises. Likewise, dualism is presented in our individual bodies: There is a "me" and a "you." Non-dualism seeks to erase this Earthly truth, effectively destroying individuality.
We can clearly see the “destroy the individual” mind-control in the fast-moving agenda of the master manipulators and their lock-step parade of cushy-job-holding career clowns peddling the propaganda. The CON-troll-ers continue speaking to "us" as a collective, and over the decades, most of us have — at least for part of our lives — accepted this rhetoric as reality. The result is the vast majority of people doing all they can to delegate their Divine rights to self-appointed "authorities" who abuse this [wrong] privilege. The destruction of our rights manifests from people selling out for a Krispy Kreme doughnut, for the worldly pleasures which distract us from our individual responsibility to care properly for our body/mind/spirit complex and for the Earth.
When the spiritual side of a person is neglected, there are few happy endings to the everyday challenges life presents to us.