I recently listened to a podcast episode by Wayne McRoy of Alchemical Tech Revolution. His topic was “Transhumanism Soul Trap, the Underworld, and the Occult Connection.”
The first night, I was able to get through about three-fifths of his readings from, and discussion of, the book Clock Shavings by the late Tracy Twyman. My listening session took much longer than an hour because I kept rewinding to hear some of the quotes before I needed to get to bed.
I did my usual pre-sleep preparations: Removing my contact lenses, then brushing my teeth and finishing with mouthwash. It was at that point — with my head back in the proper gargling position — when I suddenly felt a weird sensation on the back of my nasal cavity. I leaned forward and glanced in the mirror, only to see blood coming out of both of my nostrils. I was so utterly and completely shocked that I gasped, sucking mouthwash down my windpipe. I began coughing violently at the same time blood was literally pouring out of my nose onto my face, and splashing onto the bathroom sink and vanity.
I was barely able to get in any breath between coughing fits. Some of the coughs came with blood, obviously from me inhaling it. That was additionally disconcerting. Meanwhile, I somehow managed to move from the vanity into the commode, where I grabbed sheets of toilet paper from the roll. Blood was spewing out onto the toilet seat and the floor. I mean, I’ve had more than my share of bloody nose incidents throughout my lifetime, but I have never bled from both nostrils. It was deeply disturbing.
My husband woke up to this minty-scented nightmare, his wife desperately gasping for breath while spewing blood wherever she turned. There was really nothing for him to do but place his hand on my back for reassurance and offer more tissues as he watched me try to stop the bleeding while I coughed until all the liquid was out of my trachea. I coughed so long and hard that I nearly vomited. I was shaking from the physical, emotional, and mental trauma.
As all this was going on, I had the distinct feeling that I had tapped into some information that the black magicians did not want me to know. Many of you, my dear readers, have had your own bizarre and terrible — and often seemingly inexplicable — experiences when uncovering the secrets of these dark occultists. What’s that conspiracy realist meme about “being over the target”?
I was able to recover from my near-death experience and finish listening to the podcast the following day. However, my head still feels like it was hooked up to an industrial air compressor for an entire day. Also, I lost quite a bit of blood (a shot glass or two of it is probably a lot for my tiny body). I know that my body must make all the blood that spilled — because I sure as hell am not going to a hell-spital to get any blood “trans-fusions.” I’m not “trans-ing” anything in alignment with their agenda.
But let’s get my “not-today-Satan” tangent back to the “expose-the-death-cult” curve.
Here are Wayne’s top takeaways from Tracy’s book:
Secret societies (Freemasons, Luciferians, Satanists, other lesser-known groups) get their teachings from demonic entities that are trapped in the underworld (yes, they “dwell” beneath the Earth)
The main agenda of this collaboration between the demonic entities and humans is for the demonic entities to take possession of human bodies — to swap places with human souls — and create an ark which will allow them to survive the apocalypse so they can then take over Earth
Very few members of these secret societies are aware that they are being used for this purpose because lower-level members have been mind-controlled through black magic rituals that take advantage of their desire to “do good” (and I can speak more to this in another post about every aspect of media using mind-control on all unsuspecting viewers, all day and night)
They are using technology to manipulate human consciousness so that people want to modify and eventually separate from their bodies prior to actual physical death, and help to bring into reality the dark occultists’ new world they have been planning: Their full-on death-cult
Wayne discusses that Tracy openly admitted to being a dark occultist before having an epiphany, changing her ways, and eventually writing books about her knowledge and experiences. Tracy was murdered in 2019, according to most accounts, although the official record claims she was found hanged.
Since I never personally knew Tracy Twyman (or any of her contemporaries), I think it is best to do some good ol’ sleuthing.
But even before Wayne’s podcast episode, I read about Tracy sometime in 2023 and I did an images search. I’ll say cautiously — because I found only a handful of photographs and a couple of video clips — that I was already suspicious and that I am highly skeptical of Tracy’s status as a biological female. Feel free to do your own search and analysis and let me know your conclusion in the comments.
One tip-off to this gender deception is that the handlers typically give MTF trannies either one or two male or male-related names. Kristin Stewart. Julia Roberts. Farrah Fawcett (what does a faucet look like?). Kiera Knightly. Debby Harry. Taylor Swift. Miley Cyrus. Natalie Portman. Tracy Twyman. “Tracy” as in “Dick.” “Twy” as in twilight, as in “between.” From Etymonline:
. . .
The connotation of twi- in this word is unclear, but it appears more likely to refer to "half" light than to twilight's occurring twice a day. Compare also Sanskrit samdhya "twilight," literally "a holding together, junction," Middle High German zwischerliecht, literally "tweenlight."
So, to extrapolate, “Twyman” might mean a “half-man” or a “holding together of or joining of male and female.” Perhaps it means a hybrid bloodliner reptile/human MTF tranny.
Even if all or much of what Tracy disclosed about the transhumanism soul trap, the underworld, and the occult connection is true, “she” may have been one of their “transgender” experiments. Is Tracy dead or alive? Has “Tracy” been repurposed to serve another aspect of the greater dark occult agenda?
All of that said, the information from Clock Shavings shared and interpreted by Wayne McRoy is valuable, as many of us endeavor to remain at the highest level of awareness and discernment, knowing that we are surrounded by demonically possessed decepticons and their mediatized works.
We don't back down from them. The demonic beings are a lower life form. When I know they are around me I give them two choices--flee or worship me. They flee.
very interesting about the trans names.
hope you’re better, maybe will skip the podcast, trying to avoid the hell-spital too.