As for the power-hungry black magicians — who perceive that their deceptive practices have achieved near-total efficacy — they will continue machinating ever-more ridiculously fake Hollywood-style dramas complete with CGI and SO MUCH MORE, while coaxing their mind-controlled mockingbird media midgets with fancy dinners of luxury meats and $10,000 bottles of wine to keep blowing smoke up any viewer’s butt who is too busy eating tasty poisons and being spiritually consumed by their black-screen-box to do one bloody iota of critical thinking.
Okay, now that I got THAT off my biological female chest, I am starting to figure out some very, very interesting things about that fuckery.
[CUE Swirly Music]
So come with me, friends, on a fantastical journey into a steaming pile of flip-floppery that has nothing to do with flapjacks for breakfast, but it just may reveal some morning wood flippers . . . although I ain’t talkin’ about early-rising porpoises who can wield an axe.
First, I want to say that, every day, it seems more and more likely to me that we are living in an “actor-based reality.”
You and I — actual men and women — go about our lives playing out a role called “the strawman,” which is a term referring to the ALL CAPS name on each of our birth certificates that is not who we truly are. Feel free to read more about that “conspiracy theory” (wink-wink, nudge-nudge) in all your free time. I highly recommend a thorough examination of the fact that our parents unknowingly sold us into slavery at the hands of exotic-technology-worshiping psychopaths who would rather do away with us and turn Mother Earth into a trans-human-operated mining camp. Some of us men and women are working diligently to throw off that misbegotten ALL CAPS mantle, as we dance, sing, write, paint, garden, or otherwise create in unique expressions of freedom that defy both “the strawman” and its Machine-Mind Murderer.
But I digress (still keeping the tangent somewhat to the curve).
You and I are different from the self-appointed “ruling” class of entities who consider themselves royalty, superiors, and even gods and goddesses because of their “blue bloodline.” For some unknown amount of centuries or millennia, these “people” have each been carefully groomed in ritualistic ancestral tradition for a particular job by a trained cadre of controllers and handlers, and then placed in the spotlight.
They are Hollywood actors and musicians; notable artists and designers; best-selling book authors and high-viewer internet bloggers; politicians and government agents; global leaders and CEOs of both for-profit and non-profit organizations; media talking heads and their useful-idiot crisis actors; internet gurus with big-number subscriber lists; plus various and sundry of the same highly visible, visually appealing coterie.
Let me say it straight:
The people we see in the limelight are acting out very specific roles for the purpose of deceiving us — and they may not even know that they’re mere TOOLS working toward a greater hidden agenda.
Some of these actors portray overt stories, such as in movies and television shows. “It’s only a movie,” right? Well, these deceiver-characters win our hearts over time and inure us to idolize them. And so I think that these productions are largely deceptive-by-design. As such, critical thinking is required to navigate first “why” the story is even being told; second “what covert characters, symbols, signs, sigils, placements, and movements” are being used to manipulate the viewers’ consciousness; and third, to what purpose or end result?”
Still other actors operate in more covert capacities, for example, “trans-gender” actors, who present based on a practice which has been going on at least since the advent of print magazines and early television/film. And if the Greek historical description of “only men were allowed to portray both male and female roles” has any truth in it, we’re looking at a very long timeline.
Example: Could this be the same person? Singer Jillian Raye (on the right) sure looks a lot like an older and highly feminized Dave Grohl, who is picture on the left in his Nirvana days.
For the purpose of this article, I will discuss contemporary figures because they are still alive (as of my publication date) and we have ready access to their photographs, films, and videos.
NOTE: In 2009, I stopped watching television, movies, comedy, and music videos to be “entertained” and began questioning it all. I would not be surprised to learn that Female-to-Male (FTM) “trans-genders” became more common in the limelight after that. I don’t know, as it is not my area of interest.
That all said, based on my research, it seems generally accurate that born-males are given the starring male roles in each of those visual realms. When we see a man on the screen playing top role, he is a born-male.
For a prime example:
There is no denying the fact that decades-long film star Harris Ford is a man. When you see him in a Speedo doing the “Modified Lemon Squeeze, Branches-at-Ease Tree Pose” (I made that up), you see all of the biological markers of a mature male physique (except for his actual penis and testicles, which you can “see” are well-packed into his swim trunks).
Take a good long look at his physical attributes. What do YOU see?
Here is my list: Big skull; square jawline; long, thick neck; double-pronged Adam’s Apple. Long torso; long appendages. Big bones and joints. Thick, lean muscle mass. Broad shoulders are the widest part of the body. Square pectorals with thick muscles attaching to the upper arms for maximum upper-body strength, and a distinct rib-revealing cleavage. Big square hands with large knuckles; thick wrists. Adonis belt at the waistline. Torso straight up-and-down like a piece of thick wood. Huge veins visible in the arms, hands, legs and feet. Huge feet with long toes.
Hey! That looks like my husband’s body! Harrison, give me back my husband!
Alright, that was a bit silly. But then even sillier is that — in one wave of the magical Holly-Wood wand — we’re presented with a “woman” who bears the same physical traits as a biological man.
Ah, yes, there’s spell for that, and it works in phases.
Simply start with a male baby. Castrate the boy, then dress him as a girl and never falter in training him as a girl in every which way. Around the age of 5, begin MK-ULTRA trauma-based mind-control, hormone treatments, and more advanced training as a woman. Secure acting and/or singing roles for the child in several Hollywood productions so that viewers watch the child grow up on the silver screen (or now, on the black-screen-boxes).
It’s a lot of work to machinate a Male-to-Female (MTF) “trans-gender” character, but people will pay to see the wayward wizards’ deceptions!
But there’s more.
When the mutilated child finally comes of age and has raked in millions upon millions of dollars for Hollywood sickos, give the 11-15-year-old child fake boobs at various stages of development, and do a other surgeries for “upkeep.”
Turn them into a global super-star via the Hollywood + Mainstream Media + Government Industrial Complex.
Make the body extremely lean — and I mean leaner than a lean man like young Harrison Ford — but add a bit of estrogen for softer, smoother skin and a thin layer of female fat, and you’ve got a man who appears like a woman.
Bring on the pounds of shimmery, illusion-making makeup; distracting stage lights and dancers; loud thumping music; astronomically-sized video screens; and zillions of sparkly blingy-thingies to catch All. Those. Lights. and effectively mesmerize the viewers.
Thanks for the [black] magic, Hollywood. Not.
Maybe I’m wrong and it’s the “Modified 666 Tree-of-Inversion-and-Perversion Pose” that makes a “woman” like Madonna so strong, lean, and, well, looking like a dude. Yoga seemed to work for Harrison, albeit size-10-boot-less, fake-boob-less, and with no makeup, bling, or stage lighting. Whether I’m right or not, please feed the Madge twanny, he-she is clearly starving. Look at that open mouth, just crying out for flapjacks.
Seriously, I’m a woman, and I did hours of yoga every week for several years, also jogging 3-5 times a week and doing my best to eat plenty of protein-rich food, but I could never get my bones and joints to grow thick like that, or my muscles to get dense, lean, and sinewy like that. I never grew taller, dammit. And despite my extreme efforts, I could not make my tummy perfectly flat like that. Also, I have these weird outward-jutting hip bones that just won’t go away, and because of that, my torso doesn’t look like a straight board, like ManDonna’s.
But, I digress. And I WILL GET to my main point . . . eventually.
What are we to make of all this?
My best researched assessment is that every “woman” presented in the limelight is actually a man. But that is just the tip of the inversion-perversion iceberg, so let’s see what might be lurking below the surface. Because LURKING is a favorite pastime of the wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns on constant parade.
I read the following linked article and watched the embedded video, which started to alert me to a new layer of deception:
Here is link to the clip without all the article text:
I encourage you to view the entire “disorderly conduct” scene, which seems to be staged and choreographed. Watch the various characters move with precision. On my third viewing, I set the view speed to .25x and I could see the obvious theatre-like characters, camera angles, and well-practiced stage movements.
Also there is an ominous character with a cane (shown in the video thumbnail above), wearing a modified face-mask-and-shield, who stands in the same spot, staring at nothing (?) for a good portion of the clip. I harbor no disrespect for anyone with real physical and mental health problems, but this seems super-creepy to me.
I think this person is presenting as a character who I will call “The Sick One,” whom we are supposed to feel sorry for in the same way we were encouraged during The CovAin’t to wear a face mask, social distance, and jab up “to protect others out of a sense of responsibility for their health,” which of course is a huge lie on all levels. We are not responsible for the health and well-being of others (unless we are parenting a child or caretaking an infirm adult). I encourage you to do some research into the propaganda that is “Germ Theory,” the basis for all of this medical enslavement.
Thus, the placement of “The Sick One” character in the scene offers an emotional appeal, which is one of the worst — but unfortunately, most effective — logical fallacies. Emotional appeals tug at our heartstrings SO HARD that we can entirely abandon our Creator-given ability to discern right from wrong and Truth from Bullshit.
As you watch the video, also look at the peripheral characters. You will see them giggling and moving (or not moving) in unnatural ways, which likely means they are breaking character because they’re low-paid, unskilled actors. Some of them are clearly solo but seem to look off toward someone or something for guidance. Maybe they’re part of a pathetic “army” of tragically mind-controlled young people who were captured to perform these kinds of acts. I tell you, dear readers, that I have seen, read, and heard So. Many. Scenarios. that none of this is really a surprise to me.
Speaking of obvious put-ons, the “detention” clip is also revealing in that — despite the dozens of people shown filming the “disruption” scenario including the main camera — [supposedly] no one was available to capture video of the characters being read their Miranda rights, which I think would be a pretty important bit of evidence even for a fluff piece like this one.
But don’t get me started on rights, since I am well aware that neither governments nor their “officials/agents,” “experts,” and “authorities”; nor members of the military and police; nor non-governmental groups; nor lawyers/legislators/judges; nor business owners/managers/employees actually give us our rights. Their jobs are to uphold our inherent, unalienable Creator-given rights.
Watch the video clips with senses alert.
Now let’s take a look at the main thrust of the article, which was supposedly about “former champion swimmer” Riley Gaines speaking at Pennsylvania State University (PSU) about “REAL WOMEN.”
The organizers conveniently used October 10 — 1010 — to promote the notion of female gender as signified by the scientific nomenclature: The “XX” chromosome. 10/10 and XX are also simple symbols that defy the Natural Order while promoting exotic technology and decidedly anti-Life, hierarchical systems of OFF and ON (0 and 1). It seems very reductionist.
But then, “reduction - derivative - destruction - repetition” is the way of the wayward wizards.
The reason for the rally was to protest the inclusion of “trans-gender women” (that is, men pretending to be women) in college athletics. But this is only part of the cover story, which also did a fine job of creating divisiveness.
Speaking of divisiveness, the protest-chanting during Gaines’ speech also appears staged.
Seriously, are so many “trans-gender” people really extremely ragingly angry at folks who think [correctly] that there are only two genders, male and female? I mean, they do recall precisely by what process they arrived in the world, right? Maybe they’re just pissed off that they’re fucked up and they want to lash out instead of taking responsibility for their flawed psychology.
It gets worse. So let’s check out some photos to see *how much worse* it gets.
Look at the next photo and tell me, dear readers:
Is this the body of a woman who is merely “athletic” in build?
Check out the thick, lean muscle mass, with those arm veins that look like thick straws; the high, square pectorals (unlike the female lower, round pecs). The torso looks straight up-and-down, like on the male physique. Riley’s shoulders are pressing forward to maybe try to minimize shoulder width (as if that’s possible) and simultaneously make the long arms appear shorter. How about the obviously Photoshopped elbows that have been rounded, and the right-hand fingers especially “fixed” to look delicate? The large, square, thick-wrist-and-huge-knuckle hands are placed on an imaginary waistline, creating the illusion of a female hour-glass figure.
Okay. Let’s scroll back up to the photo of Harrison Ford and do a quick visual comparison. Now imagine what Riley would look without all that distracting blonde hair, but in a stance similar to Harrison’s yoga pose. If you surprised yourself by saying, with an open mouth and dropped jaw, “That’s a dude,” I am 99.999999999% sure that you’d be right.
How about this next one: Do females have a trachea this large, with a pronounced double-pronged Adam’s Apple? What about that thick, long neck? Or the obvious huge male head, brow ridge, and jaw?. As is typical in these deceptions, the long flowing beautiful blonde tresses attempt to hide the otherwise obvious male Delta-Figure bone structure.
In this next photo, look at Riley’s shoulder width, which is at least three heads wide, unlike female shoulders, which are typically 2 to 2 1/2 heads wide. How about the sheer girth of the upper body? Is this what a woman looks like? Especially if she is super-lean?
If my husband shaved and oiled his legs, they would look like Riley’s long legs, with those tight muscles and fucking massive kneecaps. Also, there is no ass-spread or upper-thigh-spread like women have when sitting on a chair. Come on! Even when I weighed 102 lbs. as a mature adult female, my stomach, ass, and thighs still had fat that I could NOT get rid of. When I would sit on a chair or other firm surface, that little bit of fat would spread!
Unlike women, whose fat is on top of the muscle, men carry fat under their muscle, which is why Little Mister Riley looks both lean but soft. (Also, well-timed estrogen injections may be used to achieve the desired look).
Here’s a photo from Riley’s rally at PSU.
Look at the length of Riley’s arms. Also look at the size of that outstretched hand. Do you think that hand would span the length of Riley’s face? I certainly think it would, which is weird, because women’s hands generally do not span much further than from the chin to the eyebrows. I have long hands, and mine span to just barely above my eyebrows. Riley’s hand would clearly span from chin to the top of the forehead. That is a male physiological trait.
Look above again at the extreme muscle density of Riley’s arms and neck, the upper body size, the huge skull, and the girth of the neck. Can you see it?
And what exactly is “she” rallying for, since “she” does not have XX chromosomes? It’s BS, but let’s go on.
Donald Trump is a man over 6 feet tall with a normal, man-sized head. Would you say that Riley’s head is at least as large as Trump’s in this next photo? I would. That’s normal for a MAN. I am a woman and my head is 2/3 to 3/4 the size of my husband’s, and that is a normal female-to-male size discrepancy.
Wow, Riley’s HUGE left upper arm is astonishingly dude-like😲.
Now let’s look at Riley next to another man.
Herschel Walker, according to the Internet, is a former football player who stands over six feet tall and weighs well over 200 pounds. Is Herschel a man? You betcha! Just look at his blockhead and huge shoulders! You cannot mistake that massive structure and lean muscle-mass.
What about Riley Gaines? The only online statistics I could find state that “she” is 5 feet 7 inches tall. Do you think they placed Riley next to a huge black man — with them each wearing the dividing colors blue and red — to create a false dichotomy, both physiologically and socio-politically? Do you think that maybe they straightened Riley’s formerly wavy blonde hair to create the illusion of length as in being svelte compared to Herschel?
Yep. I still can’t pretend that Riley is a woman.
Speaking of manufacturing false impressions, take a look at this next photo, from an NCAA swim championship. I’m adding it to show how this “competition” is staged and its “winners” are all — repeat, ALL — men. They’re just different sized men.
And if we leveled out the podiums, they would also not differ so greatly in height. Obviously, “Lia” (on the left, of course) is quite a bit wider.
Notice how the third-place swimmer holds his trophy like an erect penis. Eww.
The second-place swimmer (is that Riley Gaines? I honestly can’t say for sure) reminds me of decades-long “actress” Drew Barrymore, who is a born-male that has been physically altered and psychologically programmed to act as a female.
I remember seeing Drew on Saturday Night Live in a skit where “she” kept repeating, “It’s so magical!”
By the way, what you are seeing in the next photo is a man wearing a ruched, padded dress that is designed to deceive viewers. Do not be fooled.
Speaking of “magical”:
In the following GIF, Drew’s character is carried up through a portal (and I plan to write more about portals in future posts).
Is Drew saying the word “transport,” or “trans-boy”?
I learned see through the “magic” “spells.”
As I was writing this article, I kept thinking that my readers would continue being deceived by Riley’s chubby chipmunk cheeks. Well, I know of another biological male who has the same facial structure. It’s my friend Brent who died suddenly of a heart attack in December 2022 at the age of 58.
I’d known Brent since day one of 7th grade, after which we became close friends. Brent was a biological male. As an adult, Brent was well over 6 feet tall. He was a runner and was always lean.
I put Riley’s and Brent’s photos together in Photoshop. I cropped the photos to show only their faces. The only thing I did with Brent’s photo was to darken the area outside his facial structure lines (no ears visible, etc.). With Riley’s photo, I darkened the area where there is hair near the neck. I changed Riley’s photo coloring to better match the coloring in Brent’s photo.
Then I carefully went in with fine tools to “remove” Riley’s feminization makeup to the best of my ability. It is truly amazing how face makeup creates illusions. The linked MTF makeup tutorial is a must-see.
Anyway, I’ll first show you the photo of Riley that I found in an image search:
Personally, I thought it was very easy to see from the photo above that Riley is male.
But not everyone has developed the ability to see through the dense makeup and the distracting, deceiving long hair, plus the Hollywood-style lighting and of course, a lot of Photoshop.
So I worked backwards in Photoshop to remove those distractions and deceptions, while not changing any bone structure or facial outlines.
This is the result (Riley on left, and Brent on right):
Just as I suspected, removing the caked-on makeup, specialty lighting, and deceptive hair shows that Riley Gaines is a man.
It is a hard realization to truly accept, I know.
In conclusion, Riley Gaines is a biological male playing the role of a female who is being used by psychopathic tyrants in a manufactured fight against “trans-gender” people in sports so that the Luciferians can pretend to achieve their ultimate wet dream of The Cosmic Androgyne.
This is a triple-fuckeroo, folks:
It’s a fake persona fake-fighting a fake hidden agenda.
Riley Gaines and other “trans-gender” “people” are being positioned in the spotlight by their high-level MK-ULTRA handlers to speak and act precisely as the characters they claim to be fighting against.
And the everyday mind-controlled, rainbow-flag-waving, pro-body-mutilation masses will unquestioningly follow their limelight leaders right left straight backwards downward into the shit-flinging constant-clown-parade of proudly righteous slaves . . . because they fucking fought for their slavery, dammit.
P.S. Rest in peace, my dear, sweet friend Brent. Though you likely suffered horrifically in your childhood, your presence here on Earth was absolute joy for all who truly knew you. May you never, ever endure suffering again.💖
Ok, I am (cautiously) going to be the one voice questioning this. In that video on campus I just see some self-righteous zealots acting like idiots who mistake acting badly for power. As for Riley Gaines, I have known women who had a more masculine than feminine shape,
You are asking me to believe a very extraordinary tale when a much simpler one would suffice. I'm not saying what you are suggesting is not a thing, I'm just saying, sometimes we see what we want to see, and the more we want to see it the more we see it.
Madonna is definitely a dude. Shhh -he looked unnatural to me ever since that thick - eyebrows period of ‘her’ (the beginning of the musical career). ‘Who’s that girl’ is a man! Also going back in time to her ‘Like a prayer’ my eyes get stuck on her big, big arms. I can tell the bone structure and the muscles just don’t fit. I got the same feeling watching Aniston and Sandra the Bull. I was a teenager back then and trans-movement was more like science fiction to me, but I remember the strong feeling I had every time I watched those videos. The girl was a drag all along! Makes sense