I have been reading articles and watching videos by Makia Freeman of The Freedom Articles for many years. He is one of my favorite researchers, due to his clear thinking and cogent, coherent writing.
Today, I watched his new video entitled “How to Overcome the Archons (Psychic Predators) – Part 1.” It’s under 13 minutes, and I am embedding a link herein so you can watch it, too, if you please.
In the video, Makia explains what the archons are, and how a couple of different writers and philosophers view the presence of archons on Earth. It’s a great introduction to this concept if you haven’t delved into it before. If you are familiar with the notion of archons, his overview of the topic will perhaps offer a new perspective or some novel information.
I’m already looking forward to his part 2!
If any of you have read my previous posts here on Subsy, you know that I agree with Makia that the archons are indeed here, that their demonic presence is highly correlated with a planetary cataclysm (which I refer to as the primary trauma), and that they continue to wreak havoc on human consciousness.
In his video, Makia makes brief reference to other research indicating that this archontic primary trauma involved anal rape of humans. This horrific abuse came to be foundational to the MK-ULTRA trauma-based mind-control program. My own research over the past several years has lead me to the same conclusions.
This segues nicely into the fact that I was planning to do a post about my current research on The Open Scroll. It’s fairly heavy with scripture, and while I’m not a biblical literalist, I find the cherry-picked passages to be apt for their topics. The researchers investigate popular culture such as movies, tv shows, streaming shows, music, music videos, staged events, cartoons, commercials, and current events. The featured content is then compared alongside known dark occult traditions, including the use of symbols, sigils, signs; the specific employment of numerology and astrology; rituals; and the practice of deception (many forms including but not limited to NLP) as the modus operandi of the wayward wizards.
The results of The Open Scroll researchers’ intelligent questioning are nothing short of astonishing. In removing the precise, purposefully scripted coded veil being utilized as “revelation of the method” in each show or presentation, they reveal that nearly everything mediatized depicts anal sex (sometimes forced). This is because the archons use butt sex as a dimensional portal for achieving “enlightenment,” for making “artificial elevation” magic (that is, falsely elevating themselves above humans while attempting to overthrow The Great Creator), and for mobilizing other demonic entities in service of those objectives.
Additional embedded codes reveal [false] gender inversions; violent death in conjunction with anal or vaginal sex; child sexual abuse; cannibalism (especially of babies); bestiality; transhumanism; and the manipulation of frequencies, time, and space.
Let’s see, did I leave anything out? Oh, yeah: Rainbows.
Because death-cultists subvert goodness. So it’s all about the narcissistic, gaslighting archons and their demonically possessed souled-out celebrity human [hybrid] hosts inverting and perverting everything of The Divine, and machinating mental, physical, and spiritual trauma, all the time, everywhere.

The researchers at The Open Scroll recommend starting at the beginning of their extensive catalog of videos, found here, which goes all the way back to 2009. That seems daunting to me, but I might decide to go that route in the future, then pass over the videos that I have already watched. I watched the first video that came to my attention, which, if I recall correctly, was linked to as a “must view” in a comment on another Bitchute channel. If you go to the blog, you can also scroll (no pun intended) down to see the author’s recommended series’ in the sidebar. Since the suggestion comes from the content creators, it certainly can’t be a terrible way to dive into the content.
Because you’re here reading this, it is likely that you’re psychologically and spiritually prepared to view content on The Open Scroll. Still, I recommend going back to re-read the paragraph I wrote beneath the “WHAT THEY DISCOVER” heading, then doing an internal check to make sure you are strong enough for the big reveal. While I do think that everyone ought to know about this information EVENTUALLY, not everyone is ready right now. Take your time, dear readers.
This is the truly difficult part: Acknowledging that each of us has supported the furtherance of the horrible things uncovered by Makia, the authors at The Open Scroll, and others in the truther community. Yes, we were manipulated from birth; for that we cannot be faulted.
However, those of us who made it to adulthood and are developmentally able to use our Creator-given reasoning skills (which is everyone reading this article, myself included) knew deep down in our souls when we were committing wrongs. We just didn’t want to admit that our actions were causing harm to other people, to oneself, to other sentient beings, or to property and possessions, because society taught us that it’s far easier to sweep it all under the rug and go on with our pretenses.
This is ancestral trauma. It was very likely brought upon humanity by the archons, but it is on us now to stop the cycle of abuse. That includes figuring out and enacting ways to stop feeding the beasts. Those ways are not going to be the ones prompted from within the beast system. Remember recycling? I was totally hooked on that concept for decades! It’s such a feel-good idea! Unfortunately, it’s mostly a lie. Any notion that purports to make stuff “go away” to a hidden facility and then “magically reappear” in a new product is a Luciferian, New (c)Age spiritual bypass. For sure, it’s subsidized by taxpayer money, regardless of the veracity of the process, so let’s factor in another “sunk-cost” fuhgeddaboudit loss.
And doesn’t the notion of “entertainment” fit in snugly with this feel-good fuckery? We have been told for over a century that watching movies and television and music videos is an uplifting diversion from the quotidian ennui that can lead to depression, anxiety, and a host of other made-up maladies®™©℗.
Let’s look at the etymology of “entertain”:
So, in essence, a bunch of psychopathic “let’s play doctor” and “let’s play slavemaster” idiots got together and devised ever-more technologically savvy ways of hypnotizing us, literally stealing our attention while disguising their destructive mind-control programming as harmless comedies and tragedies. We got tipsy from giggling and crying and losing our minds for an hour or two at a time. Then we started regularly losing our minds to their “entertainment” until it became a habit. We sent dad to the office. The habit turned into a lifestyle. Then we sent mom to the office and the children to government indoctrination camps. Everyone wanted more entertainment and less personal responsibility. The lifestyle was taught to each subsequent generation as we slipped more deeply into mental, moral, and physical decrepitude.
The next thing we know: Grammy & Gramps are up in arms trying to care for the grandies because all the kids do is sit on their little patoots for hours, watching content made by the same producers as “adult” shows and playing “harmless” games on handheld devices while snarfing down fast “food” and blabbering about which gender — there are a dozen or so currently available programmed options — of human, cyborg, animal, or mythical creature they’re going to be today, demanding appropriate costumes, proper nutrition, and accompanying litter boxes.
Then, as Katy Perry says in one “her” videos decoded by The Open Scroll:
“It’s no big deal. It’s no big deal. It’s no big deal. This is No . . . Big . . . Deal.”
Remember how “everyone is doing it” became a popular phrase used to pressure people into throwing their sanity “away”? Mm hmm.
Wait. I think Grammy & Gramps got most of the same programming.
Damn it.
Here’s an idea: Stop watching these evil productions unless you’re doing it solely to research and share your discoveries with others. Why??
Because every story, every character, every line of dialogue, every bit of action, and all of the insanely detailed staging and lighting in these shows is scripted to glorify the death-cult, to manipulate viewers’ consciousness, and to further the evil agenda.
Rather, we would do well to celebrate our Creator-given life and rights in wholesome expressions such as making our own music; gardening; cooking; playing and exercising outdoors either alone or with our family, friends, and pets; painting; dancing; or simply chatting with people in our community.
As always, I wish all of you excellent health, well-being, love, and life-affirming creativity!💝
My father taught Me never to believe anything. He told Me to place probabilities and adjust them as new data come along, asking the question, "Does that explain what I see?," when evaluating data. Thus far, I have not needed ET, extra dimensions, or religious elements to explain what I see.
Just families of psychopaths who inbreed to retain the gene for psychopathy, who have accumulated nigh all the wealth, who love playing with Us in highly sophisticated ways.
And this is why I withdrew My consent from the whole psychopathic legal/governmental system, standing sovereign under the three Laws of Ethics ONLY.
I Do Not Consent! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-do-not-consent
I’m living the craziest life and over the last 8 years I’ve had to deal with Satan, God, gods and goddesses, demons, angels, archons, spirits, orbs, monster creatures and aliens of various species and I’ve attempted to document it all. I believe Ive recorded all of the above listed.
It’s still a great mystery but I’m getting closer.
One question I had for years was why me. I was recently told I beam a different light. This matches up with an entity that came to me in the spring of 2017. I asked it why it was here in my bedroom. It said it had never seen one like me and just came to take a look. The beam. It followed the beam. Good post Sharine. When I have time I will check out your recommended videos.