The link following this paragraph goes to an interesting recorded discussion between Mike Williams of Sage of Quay, Crow of Crrow777, and Jason Lindgren of Secrets of Saturn that exposes some realities of the music (and broader “entertainment) business. I think it is well worth a critical listen, especially for folks who are witnessing the dark agenda that is being rapidly revealed, but who make exception for their favorite music artists or actors:
(It should go without saying that my favorite band, Led Zeppelin, was not ever involved in any of the Tavistock or CIA or Freemason or bloodline mind-control BS. And here’s proof: They weren’t part of the Hollywood Laurel Canyon scene!)
But I jest, AND I digress.
The three men do a good overview of the hierarchical music business, while pointing to additional resources for exploration. Crow and Jason are interviewing Mike in this episode of Crrow777Radio, so they discuss Mike’s extensive research and output on The Beatles (especially his “Paul is Dead” works) and related music industry, um, issues. You can find all the links on Mike’s website. Well worth a long-term visit.
For myself, as a musician who lived in Los Angeles in pursuit of
(CUE angelic New Age music)
(END angelic New Age music)
I can attest to much of what they say. There are, indeed, “tiers” within the system. I was in the bottom tier of “wanna-be” artists who never stood a chance at gaining the kind of stardom, notoriety, and legacy of the two upper tiers.
The upper realm is relegated, as Mike clearly outlines, to the corporate profiteers: Record labels and huge entertainment promoters, tv and radio stations, internet moguls.
The middle tier includes the “stars” seen and heard constantly in the media. They are also producers, directors, writers, and even musicians who get paid to play and sing what the “stars” cannot actually produce!
Also in this middle tier are the bands and artists that get recording deals and other gigs but do not achieve long-lasting “stardom.” Some would be “one-hit wonders.” Others get “shelved” after their breakout album/tour — meaning that they don’t get promoted to record a second or third album/CD, but they are still unable to perform or record outside of the recording contract stipulations. I have two friends that this happened to: They were trapped.
The lower tier of artists — many of whom are far more talented than the A-listers in the headlines and on the big stages — support the myriad parasitic corporations which siphon off the artists’ hard-earned dollars and determined enthusiasm. These are the music instrument/gear manufacturers and retailers; advertising agencies; photography studios; recording and mastering studios; rehearsal spaces; CD/DVD/songcard manufacturers; lawyers; managers; publicists; booking agents; much-vaunted music schools; performing clubs; and so on.
This lower tier of artists brings energy to the entire system via their individual and collective hopes, dreams, and near-worship of their beloved music idols.
And then there are audiences: Millions upon millions of people not only give their attention and money to the A-listers, they PAY to see the “stars.”
If you’re envisioning a pyramid, you are correct. Just as the masses support systems of government, corporate food/medicine/education, and all other institutions, everyday people also serve as the lower layer of the Hollywood pyramid.
It is a vampiric system.
But the good news is, if people stopped giving their worshipful, giddy, boastful “entertained” attention and money to the Tinsel Town fakery, it would fizzle out faster than a lit sparkler on Independence Day.
The nearly two-hour talk on Crrow777 that Mike posted on his Rumble channel skated past some deeper issues, maybe due to the show’s 2-hour-long limit. I have discussed some of these topics in my other Substack articles.
For example, they mentioned the band Queen and openly talked about the gay agenda that was being pushed in the 1970s/80s, Freddie Mercury being the obvious character in point. But they stopped short of delving into how the “gay” agenda was a precursor to the “trans-gender” agenda of the 2020s.
They did not mention that most “women” actors and artists in Hollywood — since its inception — are “trans-gendered” males. That would be difficult to lay out to a bunch of everyday dudes: “Hey, all those porn pix were of MEN who were medically and dramatically altered to look like tall women with huge tits.” And Hell-o, Photoshop.
And, frankly, even if Crow and Jason and Mike did discuss the “trans-gender” issue, I doubt that they are prepared to delve into the difficult topic of how the entire pyramid scheme of Hollywood is based on 1) the practice of anal sex and 2) that the “trans-gendered” “artists” — mostly male-to-female (MTF) — serve as “special portals” for the demonic entities summoned for just such a hierarchical psychologically programming scheme.
That’s a lot to think about. SO . . .
Take a few long, deep breaths, my dear readers.
Let’s got back to the Hollywood hierarchy for a moment.
I’m not saying that the lower tier folks are all engaging in anal sex as part of this system. I’m saying that the UPPER TIERS are definitely practicing it on a regular basis while the high-profile “artists” they handle/control are paid to promote the notion as normal.
Disguised under group names like “Freemasons” and “Order of the Eastern Star,” and others, the entire entertainment complex is based on Luciferianism, a religion of inversion. It is an elaborate, labyrinthian system of layered lies. At its foundation is the story that “Lucifer” was the name given to a divine being who fell from The Great Creator’s grace. Instead of these early religious zealots (a.k.a. tyrannical psychopaths) naming this evil being something like “Derk,” which is a 13th century word which means "absence of light, night-time," they named him “Lucifer,” meaning “light bringer.”
That is a complete inversion of truth, manufactured to satisfy these power-mad worshipers’ desire to commit horrific atrocities and pretend that they were/are “superior beings” who were placed on Earth to rule over others — and with sexually violent force.
That last bit is fundamental to their inverted, perverted, anti-Life religion involving the “special portal” known as the anus.
The video below features a nearly 20-year-old, pre-taped presentation that was part of an MTV awards show at the time. I think that it reveals the “special portals” aspect of Luciferianism and the psychopathic, incrementalist approach to programming humanity with this inverted, perverted agenda through the use of humor. The “comedy” skit begins at the 1:58 mark, but I encourage you to view the entire video from start to finish, because the introduction offers yet another important reveal. The wayward wizards love manipulating numbers.
Here is what I’m getting at:
When “entertainment” producers employ “comedy,” it is as a tool to render audiences off-guard and amenable to images and ideas that they would otherwise find preposterous, offensive, or even violent. Again, I will stress their use of incrementalism, as noted by the person who compiled the video above.
I encourage you to watch movies, tv/internet shows, and music videos ONLY in a critical manner, looking and listening for “special portal” references. These may be verbal mentions of such things as “time travel,” “going to the Sun,” “tunnels,” “holes,” “caves,” “windows,” and other obvious ones like “hotdogs” and “rockets.” The references also may be visual but subtle (at least until you start seeing them everywhere in these productions). A very common one is sun-shaped wall decorations:
These images refer to the explosive energy created by violating the anus (“special portal”) of a child, especially boys because the seed of life is stored in the male coccyx at the base of the spine before descending into the testicles at puberty.
Similar “sun” images are often placed in posters for black-screen-box “programs.” This poster shows both the sun and a crown so just in case you might not get the “special portal” message with only the sun symbol, the crown/corona increases the odds of successful programming, and the one-eye symbol drives it home.
(There is also the obvious reference to “covid/coronavirus,” which I call CovAin’t.)
If all of that doesn’t illustrate how totally wicked and predatory Hollywood is, I encourage you to watch — with senses attuned — this Saturday Night Live skit titled “World's Most Evil Invention.”
I would love to hear your initial thoughts and impressions in the comments.
As for myself, I thought it was highly notable that the first two “inventors” present very thick phallic-shaped devices that are supposedly all about manipulating energy and frequency. Then, the “shrink-ray” inventor wants to reduce large things to tiny sizes so he can capture them. Kind of like how the self-appointed exotic-technology-worshiping psychopathic tyrants want to reduce men and women to robot slaves. And the follow-up “freeze-ray” inventor wants to encase famous monuments in ice. Kind of like what the predatory class of anti-Life vampires intend to do with their geo-engineering, blocking out the Sun and keeping us away from their “protected lands” which are actually OUR lands.
And that’s just the intro.
These highly paid actors manipulate the abjectly horrific reality of sex-related child abuse with “humor.” One actor asks Roy, “How do you even build a child-molesting robot?” And Roy responds: “What you do is start by building a regular robot, then you molest it and hope it continues the cycle.” We hear audience members laughing. They are likely so traumatized themselves that they don’t realize how, in that moment, they are being psychologically maneuvered to equate their own trauma with A JOKE.
At the end of the shit skit, Roy apologizes that he “really screwed up” — NOT for building a child molesting robot, but for offending the other supposedly “less-evil” inventors. Do you see the sleight of hand there? This “comedic” turn is being perpetrated all the time. Mainstream mockingbird media constantly blathers on that — for example — lambasting a corporate grifter is less problematic than telling biological males who dress like females that they don’t belong in the bathrooms or locker rooms or sports competitions of biological females.
But allow me finish up with the SNL (Satanists & Luciferians?) skit and reveal more of Hollywood’s fakery and fuckery:
The show host says to Roy, “You have nothing to apologize for” . . . because beef-and-onion sandwiches from White Castle make everything better. Is this nothing short of abominable?
The ending is a major psychological diversionary tactic, complete with the show host “breaking the fourth wall” and looking directly into the camera — AT THE VIEWER — while doing the standard Hollywood programming. He’s making it personal, and he ends with a particularly diabolical “smile.”
Is it just me, or do his eyes look DEAD?
There. Is. Nothing. Humorous. About. Sexual. Abuse. Of. Anyone. Ever.
Throughout my life, I have been honing my critical thinking skills when it comes to viewing and/or listening to “entertainment.” Why? Because what may appear on the reflective black-screen-box surface as “harmless fun” can be deeply damaging in ways that manifest as dis-ease in our own bodies and ancestral trauma in our children. The same goes for books, magazines, advertisements, “news,” and music and other forms of auditory content. And every horrific moment of the damage furthers an anti-Life death-cult agenda.
We have all been deceived and traumatized in myriad ways: None of us, nor our families, need to endure more. Thus, I encourage you to scrutinize whatever you put into your precious mind-body-spirit-soul complex. We can’t heal if we refuse to discriminate good from bad, right from wrong.
THE GOOD NEWS IS that I have a fun, health-promoting remedy that just might be a new autumn/winter therapy-like activity for you and your loved ones. I know it’s working for me and my loved ones. I’ll be posting that very soon!🎉💝
Until then, I wish you excellent health, well-being, and much much much much love!🤗💖
Many thanks for raising this Sharine. I am not surprised but how about this. 'Saturday Night Live' anagrams to
it ugh Satan devilry
And there are lot more suitable phrases I can tell you.
I just found your post in my junk mail! UHG! I have only recently heard of Mike Williams, I've been listening to juxtaposition1 on Odysse and he does lovely dives with dot connecting between people, their handlers, etc. Honestly, the fact that the Beatles and Zeppelin are fake is reassuring to me - I never bought how naturally talented they were.
I'll listen to this later while I'm finishing up my last four sewing/knitting gift projects! Thank you for the links too!